UP MS Migrant Health Programs

Survey in a Roma segregation in Pécs

Our colleagues in cooperation with the Department of Public Health Medicine started a widespread health-sociological survey in a segregate (Györgytelep Area) in Pécs in May, 2016. This research is a kind of repetition of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIC, 2014) complemented with questions regarding health awareness, attitudes, beliefs and health behaviour of the communty living in this segregated suburb. To date, nearly 50 interviews have been conducted and the research is continuously ongoing with the HRC support of the Maltese Charity Organization.

Györgytelep Area is situated in the north- eastern district of Pécs. It is a colony built originally for coal miners and their families in the socialistic era. After the political and economic transformation in ’89 the coal mines were closed. The great majority of the population living in this segregated district of the city belong to the Roma ethnic minority, their living standards are very low and disadvantaged (low educational level, high rates of unemployment, alcohol and drug abuse). The local government of Pécs in cooperation with the Maltese Charity Organization have launched a comprehensive rehabilitation program, which includes infrastructure development, ie. renovation of the old houses and social care as well.