Project Members

Assoc. Prof. Andrea MADARASOVA-GECKOVÁ, PhD.


P. J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Medicine, Kosice Institute for Society and Health 
Health Psychology Unit, Institute of Public Health

Address: Tr. SNP 1, 041 01 Kosice, Slovak republic
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Phone: +421 55 234 3395

Assoc. Prof. Andrea Madarasova Geckova, PhD. (1972) got her Master degree in Psychology (P.J.Safarik University in Kosice, Slovak Republic) and PhD degree in Medical Sciences (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) She is an associate professor in Social Psychology (Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic). Her research is at the crossroads of public health, health psychology and medical sociology. Since 1997 she has been participating in international research projects under the umbrella of the Central European Network. Her research is focusing on inequality in health among (Slovak) adolescents and young adults. Since 2002 she took responsibility for the supervision of new Slovak projects in the framework of the Kosice Institute for Society and Health ( focusing mainly on health and its determinants among children, adolescents and young adults. Since 1997 her international research projects have focused on inequalities in health among (Slovak) adolescents and young adults. Since 2002 she has been responsible for the supervision of new Slovak projects in the framework of the Kosice Institute for Society and Health, focusing particularly on the social determinants of health among adolescents and young adults. She participates in several projects from national research agencies, in bilateral research projects and in European projects (SOPHIE Evaluating the impact of structural policies on health inequalities and their social determinants and fostering change, Dr. Carme Borrel; INEQiCITIES Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: evidence and policies in the cities of Europe, Dr. Carme Borrel; EUROTHINE Tackling health inequalities in Europe: an integrated approach, project leader: Prof. Dr. J.P. Mackenbach). Moreover, she collaborates with WHO; she is Slovakia's Principal Investigator for the Health Behaviour of School-aged Children study (HBSC) and is Member of the Multi-Disciplinary Working Group on Social Inequities in Health in the Slovak Republic. She is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Public Health, consulting editor of International Perspectives in Psychology and referees several international journals in her field. She has been operating as a national delegate within the European Health Psychology Society, and national delegate in the Programme Committee of the FP7, thematic priority „Science in Society“.